SweetArt Tattoo

a tattoo shop with a modern, homely atmosphere

Portrait Photo SweetArt Tattoo Ankie Kuis

I am Ankie Kuis, owner of SweetArt Tattoo in Waalwijk and artist at Tribal Trading in Tilburg. I'm an allround artist, but my specialties are Watercolour, Graphic and Blackwork styles. For my most recent work, take a look at my Facebook or Instagram! If you have questions or comments, about the the shop or a tattoo or concept, feel free to contact me.

SweetArt Tattoo is, of course, in possession of the Tattoos and Piercings Permit which is awarded by the inspector and advisor Hygiene and Safety, by decree of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport.

Please keep the following in mind before contacting: