Frequently asked questions
In the Netherlands, you can officially be tattoed from the age of 12. Until the age of 16 you need to bring your parents, who need to give permission. At those ages, you may not be tattooed on the head, neck or hands. From 16 until 18, a permission slip from your parents is sufficient. Myself, I require a minimum age of 16, but I require a parent or legal guardian to be present. From the age of 18, you can make your own decision, however as long as you are below 21 I advise to bring identification, which I may ask for in case of doubt. If I feel you may be doubting the tattoo or are rushing the decision, I may refuse to apply the tattoo or ask you to think it over and come back later.
The exact cost of a tattoo is impossible to precisely calculate beforehand. It is a sum of the size, use of colour and location on the body. I will make an estimate after a consultation meeting. You can ask me about this via email, giving me a call (see bottom of page), using the contact form on this website or through my Facebook page. Feel free to ask and offer ideas, we will cooperate to create your dream tattoo!
The amount of pain when being tattoed differs a lot from person to person. The one will be more affected by the pain than the other. It can even differ from session to session. How well-rested are you? Did you eat and drink properly? What is your physical condition? All these factor into the pain level. Aside from these, the location on the body makes a huge difference: some places hurt more than others. But here, too, people will have different experiences.
I indeed work by appointment only. You can reach me via email, calling (see bottom of page) or on my Facebook page.
Tattooing with ashes is still illegal in the Netherlands. The ink we are allowed to use has been tested many times for health and safety, while ashes contains materials dangerous to the body such as heavy metals and charcoal. Though the idea might seem romantic, I strongly suggest not to be tattooed with ashes, here or anywhere.
When you are pregnant, it is strongly advised not to get a tatoo. Your body is much more prone to infections when pregnant. Additionally, your body and skin look different compared to when you are not pregnant. Your skin is more hydrated, which may cause your tattoo to look different than intended. You also store more fat under the skin and have an elevated chance of stretchmarks, which happens when connective tissues underneath the skin begin to tear, which can also cause your tattoo to distort. Traces of the ink also wind up in your bloodstream, which is not an issue for a full-grown adult but the effects on an unborn child are unknown. So be patient and wait getting a tattoo until your pregnancy has run its course.
After about three weeks, the skin will look completely healed, but it takes 6 to 8 weeks for the skin to be completely back to normal. This does differ per skintype and age. Older skin heals slower than younger skin because the thickness of the epidermis, the skin's outer layer, decreases with age. Additionally the skin creates less moisture-trapping grease, and the acid mantle, an important component of your body's resistance to bacteria and pathogens, becomes less stable and takes longer to heal.
If you take medication or have a medical condition, please let me know during consultation, and discuss your tattoo with your general practitioner or specialist beforehand. They are more aware of the risks and can explain to you exactly why you could or couldn't get a tattoo.
If you have any other questions than the ones listed here, feel free to contact me by email, phone or through the contact form.